Please review our Privacy Notice, which also governs your visit to, to understand our practices.


The information contained within the Service is owned by Kirsch Electrical Services Ltd Company and /or it licensors. It is protected by copyright, trade marks and other intellectual property rights. You agree and accept that the information is for your own personal use and may not be used for commercial purposes, whether revenue generating or not, or distributed commercially. The Information cannot be reproduced, modified, transferred, distributed, republished, downloaded, posted, sold, re-sold, exploited or transmitted in any form or by any other means including (but not limited to) electronic, mechanical photocopying or recording without the prior written permission of Kirsch Electrial Services Ltd Company. Failure to do so may lead to legal action being taken against you.

The methods of searching and presentation of Information, certain information content, graphics, layout, design and other features of the Service are also protected by intellectual property rights belonging to Kirsch Electrical Services Ltd. Company and /or its licensors. No licence is granted to you in respect of any such rights, except to the extent required for your personal use of the Service in accordance with these terms and conditions.

The Kirsch Electrical Services Limited name, logo, and are trade marks owned by Kirsch Electrical Services Limited and you are not entitled to reproduce such marks (other than to the extent required for your personal us of the Service) without our prior written consent.

For any Questions regarding Conditions of use, please contact Kirsch Electrical Services Limited Company at

In Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 1.604.612.9280

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